Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Current WordPress Theme

Current WordPress Theme - ThemeForest Item for Sale

Also compatible with WordPress 3.4

Latest version 1.0.2 Change log at the bottom of this page.

Features of the Current theme in a brief glance

  • Responsive Theme

  • SEO Ready

  • Unlimited slideshows

  • Blog pages unlimited – Multicategory and Sortable

  • Portfolio pages unlimited – Multicategory and Sortable

  • Contact page with ReCAPTCHA and Google Map

  • Sidebars unlimited – can have double sidebars on a page

  • Featured Post Video

  • Widgeted Front page

  • Skins – unlimited color options

  • Custom CSS class support for widgets

  • Fonts 800 plus styles – Support Cyrillic, Greek, Khmer, Vietnamese

  • Sitemap configurable

  • Latest Posts Ajax sliding plugin

  • Internationalized, provided with POT file for tranlations

Read below for the details.

Responsive Theme

The Current theme for WordPress is a fully responsive theme. It adapts the layout to fit into multiple device interfaces. The image sizes are automatically taken care of by the dynamic CSS .

SEO Optimized

The “Current” theme is fully SEO optimized. The code is compact and have made proper use of headings. If you notice that each page’s title is rendered using H1 tag and the other heading tags h2-h6 have been appropriately assigned to the rendering of the content.

The loading of the scripts and css files is optimized based on the usage of respective modules and components on different pages. Example! If a page is not using a slideshow, the script for the slideshow is not loaded at all. Furthermore the code is clean xhtml/css and div based.

Unlimited Slideshows

The “Current” theme features a cool Mocktail slider. This powerful slider module lets you choose up to Two images for a single slide and also add a third component of html markup. This flexibility provides you with a great control to customize and convey your message to the viewers.

Create any number of the slideshow instances. Each with its own unique configuration and slides. There is no limit on the count of slideshows you can create. Given the cool features of the slideshow module, you can create different styles for each of the slideshow.

You can independently configure each Page, or Post to have its own slideshow or share a common slideshow. That is when the power of having multiple slideshows comes into use.

Mocktail Slideshow features

  • Responsive slideshow. Re sizes as per the browser resolution.

  • Create unique multiple Slideshow instances.

  • Add/Remove or edit slides specific to each of the instance. All the instances are independent in settings and content from each other.

  • Drag and drop to change the order of slides.

  • Select from among “slide”, “fade” or “mix” options for the appearance of slides.

  • Control the aspect ratio of the slideshow by specifying the height parameter.

  • Set up to Two images for each slide.

  • Add HTML markup in addition to the images for each slide

Blog – Multicategory and Sortable

The most important page template. After all WordPress is a Super blog platform. Once you have assigned the Blog template to a page and saved it, a new MetaBox with the title “Blog settings” will appear somewhere below the Content edit box.

What options does the Blog functionality offer in the “Current” theme. Its a roller coaster ride from here. ENJOY

The Blogging Features

The Blog settings metabox provides you with cool options to :

  • Specify a particular category of posts for this blog page.

  • If you are feeling greedy, it also lets you select multiple categories to form one blog.

  • And in case you are going to use multiple categories for this blog page, would you not like to have an option to turn on sort by categories options on top of the blog page? I knew it, so its there. Ha ha

  • Know what? it also lets you choose to display either the post content or the post’s excerpt in the blog view.

  • You can also specify your own pretty words for the “Read more” button that will appear on this blog page.

  • You do not like the read more button? well, leave the text blank and the button will never show up. But then where would you click to open the full post? Common, like you did not know that you can still click on the post thumbnail and the post title.

HOLD it. Catch your breath. Ok! Continue

  • If you want to lay ownership claim on the posts you write, you can turn on the “Show Author” option and your pretty name will appear beside the post’s content along with the post’s published date.

  • And not to forget, you can always toggle the display of “Categories”, “Tags” and “Comments” for your posts.

  • This feature, I just love this one. Aspect ratio. You have full control on the aspect ratio of the post thumbnails that display with each post (I mean, if there is any).

  • And I should mention. All these settings are specific to each blog page. That means, you can can create unlimited blog pages each with its own unique settings.

  • And if you still want more features for your blogging needs, whisper your wish at support.themeshigh.com

Portfolio – Multicategory and Sortable and Video

Portfolio or showcase is an important feature of the “Current” theme. Most of the times, your website may have a requirement for presenting your skills or services to the viewers in a visual form. The Portfolio feature is just the solution for that. If you are wondering. Yes! it is a multi-category sortable portfolio and it supports Videos too.

Why just one portfolio template?

Why not have more for different column layouts or different sidebar configurations? This single template is All  in One. Less code = more functionality = robustness. The simple interface lets you choose the number of columns, and like every page, you have a choice to configure sidebars for this page as well.

Portfolio features

  • Specify a particular category of posts for this portfolio page.

  • It also lets you select multiple categories for simultaneous display on a single portfolio page.

  • And in case you are going to use multiple categories for this portfolio page, you can also opt to turn on sort by categories options on top of the portfolio page.

  • Choose the number of items to be displayed on one page.

  • It is as flexible as to let you select the number of Columns for display. 1 to 24, depending upon the presence of sidebars. Did I mention, it auto detects the sidebars assigned to the page and display the column options accordingly.

  • Choose to display the description along with the thumbnails. You can also choose the source of the description from the Actual Content and the Content excerpt.

  • Choose to toggle the display of the title. And opt to have the title link to the post or not.

  • If you want a link to the respective post on each portfolio item. You can display the read more button. Specify your own text or leave blank for not displaying the button.

  • Aspect ratio? Yes it is there, have the thumbnails display as a portrait or landscape or just go an extra mile into your creativity. Have it display as horizontal strips or vertical blinds.

  • And expect more. We are in a consistent production mode, developing and updating the theme with more features time and again.

All these configuration is specific to each page, so you can create multiple pages with different styles of portfolios or showcases.

Contact Page – Totaly Customizable

A contact page template lets you provide an interface to the viewers to Contact you.

Google Map

Is certainly one of the main offerings of the Contact page template. Just simply put your location address at a given field and it will display a cool looking google map of your location on the Contact page.

Email Form

How can we survive without one. A good looking email form is in the place with a variety of unique options available to let you customize the form as per your needs.

Configuration options

  • Lets you display your address or any additional information as text besides the contact form. Simply provide your html text in the given textarea. Yes, it does support html markup.

  • You can turn on the Google map display by writing your address to the google map field.

  • You can set the default zoom level for the Google map.

  • And, Aspect ratio . Yes, you can modify the aspect ratio of the Google map to finely tune the display of your Contact page.

  • For the Email form, you can toggle the fields and validation for “Name” and “Phone number” in addition to the default “Email address” and “Message” area.

  • You can turn on additional US phone number validation on the phone number field too.

  • Two tier validation for the form fields. One at the client browser level, the next at the server level.

  • You can specify one or multiple recipient addresses to receive the email form.

  • ReCAPTCHA. Yes, it is there. You can toggle ReCAPTCHA on the contact form. Change its skin and language.

Sidebars Unlimited

The theme lets you create your own sidebars. As many as you want, as many as you need and also more if you want some spare ones. The bottom-line is that you can create Countless sidebars in the “Current” theme.

From a very cool theme options interface, you can simply specify a unique name and create new sidebars. You can select or even multiple select the sidebars and hit delete to simply remove them, if you face any issues with the redundancy. So, you have a very user friendly interface to Add/Remove the sidebar instances

Selectively display sidebars on each of the pages

You can have a sidebar on either side of the page. Each page lets you specify the sidebar (out of many you created) to be displayed on that particular page. You can specify a sidebar on either side of the page.

Upto 2 sidebars on a page

Yes, you can have sidebars on both sides of the page. You can select different instances for the left and right. Or if you are feeling funny, you can also display the same sidebar instance on both the sides.

Featured Post Video

A very cool looking metabox with the title “Featured Video” sits besides the Content edit box of the Pages and Posts, where you can specify a Vimeo or Youtube video. Optionally specify the dimensions or simply provide the Aspect ratio, if you want a different one from the regular 1.775

Application of Featured Video

The Featured Video for posts and pages provide the same functionality as the “Featured image” feature does, just except that it is videos we are talking about over here.

A post having specified a featured image displays the image when opened up in single post view. A page having a featured image specified displays the image on top of the page.

Same way, Featured video lets you display a Video on top of the post or a Page. See the video above this post.

Videos for Portfolio

The posts when shown in the Portfolio page utilize this “Featured video” feature to display the video elements. When used for video portfolio, you can also specify quicktime and flash videos in addition to the youtube and vimeo as the lightbox display support these kind of files when opened from the portfolio page.

Widget Locations

The “Current” theme provides multiple widget locations to take care of almost every layout requirement that you may have for your website.

Front page widget locations

The front page boasts of specific 12 widget locations in addition to the 4 more locations at the footer and 1 inset location at the top right on the header. So, this makes it to be a total of 17 widget locations on the home page. Click here to see the map for the front page widget locations

The front page features integrated widget rows having 4 widget locations. The available width across the content area is automatically calculated for each widget location depending upon which locations are active and which are not.

Inner page widget locations

The inner pages have the ability to render sidebars on either side of the page or have up to 2 sidebars simultaneously rendered on the page. So this provides the inner page to have up to 2 sidebars in addition to the 4 common footer locations and one inset location on the head. Click here to see the map for the inner page widget locations.

Background Wallpaper and Color

Again, its all about giving you the total control while not overwhelming you with complex configuration options.

You can also choose your own image for the page background. Set it the way you like, tile it, align it. Or set a background color.

Individual background for each page

Yes, even that is possible with the “Current” theme. You have an option to override the default background of the website on each of the pages and posts.

Take a look at the background of this page, looks different. Doesn’t it?

Skins Unlimited

Getting the Current theme show up in colors of your choice could not be any more easier that what we provide you here.

Simply choose one single color for the theme from the dashboard and all the variations of the shades are automatically taken care of by semi-transparent overlays.

So, no more need to boggle your mind over mixing and matching. Its all so simple. Even the buttons, they automatically match up with the background color you select.

You can individually set colors for the text, links and menu items to your liking.

Custom CSS class support for Widgets

A unique feature that the “Current” Theme boasts of is the ability to apply custom css classes to each of the widgets individually.

If you want to make a widget stand out by providing it a special border, or special background. Apply custom CSS

Every widget in the widget management area of WordPress has an extra field where you can specify the name of the particular CSS class that you want to be applied on that widget when rendered.

You can define the custom CSS classes in the style.css of the theme.

Font styles 800 plus

You have 800 plus options to apply fonts to your content including the style and weight options.

The “Current” theme uses Google web fonts library. And by the time of writing this article, the Google proudly shows 501 Font families in its library.

But, if you take into consideration, the available, weight and style options i.e., bold, book, extra bold, italic kind of options available for each font family, the list easily surpasses 800 plus.

And that is what we have implemented in our theme. All the font styling options along with the families. So, you have all the power in your hands. Just select the item from the drop down and that’s it.

Individual font settings for elements

Yes, you can apply different font settings to “General text”, “Main menu” and “Headings”.

You can also play with the font-size options, line-height as well text transform for the above elements.

Support for different scripts

It is there. The fonts library contains fonts to support the following scripts in addition to the usual Latin one.

  • Cyrillic

  • Greek

  • Khmer

  • Vietnamese


Sitemap is a very useful feature. As evident from its name, it helps the visitors easily navigate through your website and find what they are looking for. Yes, there is a metabox for sitemap too. After all, its all about flexibility, so how can any feature not come with Custom options.

Custom options for Sitemap

There may not be many, but very useful set of configuration parameters that you would love to have for setting up your sitemap.

  • Exclude pages. It lets you selectively exclude pages from the sitemap display. Secret Content? maybe!

  • Exclude categories. Yes, you can do that as well. Select the categories you want to exclude from the sitemap display and its done.

  • You can toggle the display for “Monthly archives”, “Site feeds” and “Tags”.

  • And when it comes down to the display of articles list. You can customize the list by toggling the display of the “date”, “Author” and “Comments” info

latest Posts Ajax Plugin (widget)

The Current theme features the Latest Posts plugin. The cool plugin appears as a widget that can be assigned to any location.

Features of the Latest Posts Plugin

  • Responsive layout.

  • Can fit into any available location.

  • Grid display, upto 4 columns. Any number of rows.

  • Flexible navigation options. Display on the top, or bottom.


The Current theme for WordPress is an internationalized theme. You can translate this theme into any language by using the POT file that is provided with the theme.

Change log

v 1.0.2 (Jun 22 2012)

  • Bug fixed : Background wallpaper alignment issue (the only file updated is Current/css/dynamiccss.css.php)

v 1.0.1 (Jun 14 2012)

  • Bug fixed : WordPress Gallery Insert

  • Bug fixed : Headers warning display due to extra line breaks

v 1.0 (Jun 12 2012)


Invokr - Premium HTML Website Template

Invokr - Premium HTML Website Template - ThemeForest Item for Sale

Invokr is a premium HTML site template that has been specifically designed to promote any kind of product or service.

The site template comes with 4 predefined skins, which are easy to integrate by updating one line of code. Alternatively, you can create an unlimited amount of skins by changing the colors as you see fit.

The template has also been designed and developed with the best SEO semantic coding practices in mind, which will help in getting your website found and ranking.

Site Template Features

  • Search Engine Friendly

  • Clean commented and easy to follow HTML and CSS code

  • 4 Fully Layered Photoshop files included

  • 4 Color Variants : Blue, Green, Red and Orange

  • Unique Slide Down contact form

  • Custom Google Map integration

  • Social Icon inclusion

  • Auto-Rotating Testimonials

  • CSS3 Buttons – allows you to add any call to action term you want

  • Extensive Documentation and Friendly Support

A Big Thanks!

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to submit those to the Item Discussion section. If you have purchased the theme please take a minute and rate it as I would really appreciate it. Thanks again!

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Sources and Credits

  • Icons used: Buddycon Icon Set and Somicro by Veodesign

  • JavaScript plugins used: Nivo Slider, SmoothScroll.js, Fancybox, jQuery Cycle, Isotope, Superfish v1.4.8, Google Map API .

  • Fonts used: Cabin and Oswald

  • Images used from Flickr Creative Commons courtesy of: DavidSpinks, Parker Michael Knight, Pretty Poo Eater

  • Screenshots used courtesy of: Envato, Tuts+ Premium, AppStorm, Rockable Press, Creattica, PhotoDune, ThemeForest, VideoHive, GraphicRiver, 3DOcean, AudioJungle, Envato Zoo.

Note: Please note the above image assets and color switcher are only available in the preview version of the item and are not included within the main file download.

Energetic - Responsive Wordpress Theme

Energetic - Responsive Wordpress Theme - ThemeForest Item for Sale

Energetic is clean and responsive wordpress theme suitable for business, portfolio, blog or hosting websites and many more. Its handcrafted using the latest technologies like HTML5 and CSS3 . With a responsive design it is easily usable with any devices like Desktop, tablet, iPad, iPhone, and Android Phones too.

Key Features
Energetic is a very powerful theme with many features easy to edit for both, users without programming knowledge and for developers. It empowers you to change any color of elements such as backgrounds, texts, links, menu links, typography, etc. The main content block is placed before the sidebar regardless of the sidebar position, so it is crawled first by search engines, so its SEO Optimized

Theme Features

  • 2 Homepage Responsive Sliders

  • 1 Homepage Video in place of slider

  • 1 Homepage Static Image in place of slider

  • Widgetized Footer

  • Wordpress Custom Menu Support

  • Unlimited Sidebars. Create and select any sidebar for each page.

  • Portfolio 1 Column With Sidebar

  • Portfolio 2 Column With Sidebar

  • Portfolio 3 Column With Sidebar

  • Portfolio 4 Column With Sidebar

  • Portfolio 1 Column Without Sidebar

  • Portfolio 2 Column Without Sidebar

  • Portfolio 3 Column Without Sidebar

  • Portfolio 4 Column Without Sidebar

  • Portfolio 4 Column Sortable

  • Portfolio 4 Column Sortable with Ajaxfied Content Display

  • 100+ Google & Custom Cufon Fonts.

  • Light / Dark Skin

  • Unlimited Color Skinning Options

  • 8 Custom Widgets

    • Twitter Widget

    • Flickr

    • Popular Posts

    • Recent Posts

    • Contact Info

    • Contact Form

    • Google Map

    • Sociables

    • Text Widget Support Shortcodes.

  • 90+ Custom Shortcodes

  • Sidebar Footer

  • Wordpress MU Compatible

  • OOP Framework.

  • Custom Post Type

    • Portfolio

    • Slider

  • Portfolio Single Page with Attachment sliders

  • Built in Shortcode Generator.

  • Advanced Options Panel (Import or Export the theme options panel settings.)

  • Google Map Integrated

  • Blog Style Layouts shortcode

  • Blog single post and threaded comments

  • This theme skinning options empowers you to change any elements such as backgrounds, texts, links, menu, typography, etc.


This theme is Internationalization and localization built into its structure to easily used for different languages. (.pot file included)


v1.4 / Updated 26th Jan 2013

- WP3.5 Ready
- Fixed Skinning Bug
- Fixed Menu Coloring and other parts.
- Slider Navs changed
- Fixed Responsive bug
- Fixed Twitter API Bug
- Fixed Pricing Table Bug
- Added New Google Fonts

v1.3 / Updated 1st Oct 2012

- Child Theme Support
- Fixed color scheme bug
- Fixed Dropdown bug in IE
- Revamped localization supports and localization file (default.pot)

v1.2.1 / Updated 22nd Aug 2012

Reason: Fixed the skin.php file bug with custom css addition.

v1.2 / Updated 14th Aug 2012

#### Modified files
- All the files to add theme localization

#### Bugs and Addons
- Fixed - Slider Caption Disable functionality.

v1.1 / Updated 26th June 2012

- Added - Slider Caption Disable functionality.
- Fixed - Screen Resolution problem in iPad
- Added - Corporate color scheme.

Monday, April 29, 2013

CStar Design WordPress Theme

CStar Design WordPress Theme - ThemeForest Item for Sale

All in One Product! and WordPress 3.5.1 Ready!

A user interface management system with lots of features, including flexibility, speed. It has never been such an easy task to publish your website with your prefered colors. With it’s incredible skin editor, you will get your website exactly like the way you want. You have full freedom. You can edit all elements and backgrounds in the website. You can change the whole mood and concept of the website with 6 different background editor. You can either make it a serious company website, or change it to a fun and joyfull website. Having a website for Restaurant, Furniture Shop, Rent a Car, Electronics, Hosting Company, Flowers Shop, Sports, Hospitals and for more sector, just depends on your imagination. You are one step away from your dream website.

Table of Features

  • 6 Awesome Slider with Different Editors

  • 6 Different Background Editors

  • Shortcode Generator

  • Homepage Content Layouts (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6)

  • Over 30+ Video Tutorials

  • Custom Page Headers

  • Over 500 GoogeFonts

  • Can be added own @fontface

  • Over 200+ Custom Shortcodes

  • Search Engine Optimized

  • Localized (.mo/.po files included)

  • Colorpicker for Backgrounds, Texts, Links.

  • Video, Inline Content, Iframe Supported

  • TimThumb Image Resizer

  • Unlimited Blogs and Portfolios

  • Excellent Administration Panel (Screenshots)    

  • Blog and Portfolio Shortcodes

  • Blog and Portfolio on Homepage

  • Sortable Blog and Portfolio

  • Nested Comments

  • Custom Sidebars & Widgets

  • Ajax Contact Form + re-CATPCHA

  • Unlimited Colors

  • Multi-level Drop-down Menu Support

  • Cross Browser Compatible

  • Breadcrumb Navigation

  • Very Many Theme Settings

  • Using WordPress Uploader!

  • Google Analytics

  • WordPress Multisite Supported

  • Custom CSS

  • 16 Footer Widget Layouts

  • Custom Combine/Cache System


  • Cycle Slider and Shortcode/Tutorial

  • Nivo Slider and Shortcode/Tutorial

  • Flashmo Slider and Shortcode/Tutorial

  • Piecemaker 3D Slider and Shortcode/Tutorial

  • Accordion Slider and Shortcode/Tutorial

  • CodeSlider and Shortcode/Tutorial

Table of Some Video Tutorials

  • How to install theme

  • Configuring logo settings            

  • Setting up favicon

  • and more…

  • How to set header background

  • How to set slideshow background

  • How to set intro background

  • and more…

  • Setting up colors

  • Setting up the fonts

  • How to use fontface fonts      

  • and more…

  • Configuring Homepage content

  • Configuring Intro content

  • Configuring Blog page

  • and more…

  Click for all of video tutorials (30+)


hello! absolutely agree with previous comments. I’ve seen and used many wordpress themes… but this one – IS THE BEST I’’ve seen. Very friendly, well thought-out administrative interface, exceptionally good usability, and – as I can see – outstanting support. PERFECT ! Good job! (by utel)

I just wanted to say that I fully recommend this theme to anyone with a creative mind. This theme has been an absolute pleasure to work with and decided to use it as my theme for my website design services. The author is very helpful and seems to love what he does. I absolutely love this theme. (by alintiniuc )

Greatest theme ever! The possibilities of usage are simply endless, and the galore of options one can set, click and tweak is just overwhelming. Using this theme is a pleasure and even a total geek can build an awesome website with Codestar design. More, the support is fast, reliable, and I think 99.9% of questions asked is answered/solved in the time when you make your morning coffee. (by Zynov)

I seriously recommend this theme. Not only is it my favorite theme on themeforest. I’ve also gotten by far the best support I’ve ever gotten on envato from codestar. He must have spent 2 hours troubleshooting my dumb questions today. Amazing theme, phenomenal support. (by lebrilla)

I have been playing around with the theme and love all the capabilities that it offers. There are soooo many choices that is overwhelming but at the same time exciting. I will be sure to play around with the theme to discover its amazing benefits. I am sure you guys will do well with sales. You guys did an amazing job. Congratulations. (by cvalbuena)

Greetings form Germany to Russia! Very well done work! Thank you for this great Theme! I think I will purchase it pretty often for our clients. It’s that kind of flexible! I’m proud to be the first one who purchased it here! (by sellfactor)

many thanks in advance for your immediate help. Your theme is really wonderful, maybe I will buy it 2-3 times in next time. I will recommend your work when I have the possibility. (by Michi)

You make great templates and the design of the back-end is simply the best I’ve tried (many).
(by Colin from Scotland)

Thanks for chatting via Skype. You fixed the issue in super fast time! Fantastic support!
(by ldoherty)

Thanks for the amazing Tech assistance. This is by far the best theme with the best customer service that I have ever received. (by stevesparks)

Wow, thank you Codestar!! Best $45 I’ve ever spent, I love the theme. (by Jacob)

Thanks and great theme, by far the best theme so far that I have purchased and I have purchased 50+ even against other top authors. Keep up the good work and I will definitely be buying more of your work!! (by pureoption)


Notice: Not included any photo or vector…

  • Patterns by Patrick Hoesly

  • Stock photos by solarseven

  • Stock photos by buchachon

  • Stock photos by Yuri_Arcurs

  • Stock vectors by littlemango

  • Stock vectors by e5302

  • Stock vectors by antishock

  • Stock vectors by Kapacyko

Theme Updates

Version 2.3 (17 Jury 2013)

Added new features:
01. Added NivoSlider thumbnail feature
02. Added Alt tag for default slider responsive image
03. Updated FitVids plugin
04. Updated Cycle Plugin

Fixed some issues:
05. Fixed Cycle Slider up-down touch issue
06. Fixed jQuery issues (for new jQuery version 1.9)
07. Fixed Accordion Slider description width issue
08. Fixed Framework jQuery 1.9 issues
09. Fixed Buttons aligncenter issue

Version 2.2 (20 Dec 2012)

Added new features:
01. Added WPML Flags shortcode
02. Added bbPress integration
03. Added WooCommerce integration
04. Added Alt tag for icon shortcodes
05. Added Alt tag for frame shortcode

Fixed some issues:
05. Fixed Main Menu z-index
06. Fixed Tags title in blog
07. Fixed Toggle shortcode
08. Fixed Slider icon
09. Fixed Shortcode generator
10. Fixed Typography for Seo Optimized
11. Fixed Button Shortcode for WooCommerce
12. Fixed Comments issue
13. Fixed Tabs issue
14. Fixed Footer widget issue
15. Fixed Image insert into page issue
16. Fixed Homepage error issue

Version 2.1 (01 Nov 2012)

Added new features:
01. Added Wide and Boxed Layouts as optional!
02. Added Custom Slider option for different slider
03. Added NivoSlider transition settings

Fixed some issues:
04. Fixed Stopped image issue
05. Fixed WPML (wpml-integration) issue
06. Fixed Shortcode manager issue
07. Fixed Shortcode thickbox method as codebox
08. Fixed Meta-device tag issue
09. Fixed IE+ image issue
10. Fixed Custom resize issue
11. Fixed Copyright shortcode support issue
12. Fixed Some minor bugs

Version 2.0 (08 Oct 2012)

Added new features:
01. Added Oh Finally, CStar is Responsive Design!
02. Added FlexSlider2 with a custom admin panel
03. Added Custom Image Resizer for avoid timthumb problems
04. Added NivoSlider Rsponsive version
05. Added Touch feature for NivoSlider, CycleSlider, CodeSlider and FlexSlider
06. Added Fixvids for Responsive videos
07. Added Reponsive displays shortcodes
08. Added Responsive default picture options for Sliders
09. Added CSS3 MediaQueries javascripts for IE-Fix
10. Added Drop-down plugin for responsive displays
11. Added 54 New GoogleFonts

Fixed some issues:
12. Fixed Pagination "..." issue
13. Fixed Comment form translate issue
14. Fixed NivoSlider Headings color issue
15. Fixed Divider HR color issue
16. Fixed Cache CombineTo option issue
17. Fixed Uploader Conflict
18. Fixed Minor PHP, CSS and jQueries bugs
19. Fixed Footer Area
20. Fixed StyleBox and Alertbox
21. Fixed TimThumb resizer
22. Fixed jQuery plugins
23. WP3.5 Beta 1 Test
24. Minified all of jQueries
25. Minified all of CSS
26. And some minor bugs

Version 1.4 (01 Oct 2012)

Added new features:
1. Added Yelp on social icons.
2. Added Submenu arrows
3. Added Denmark, Poland languages added
4. Added WP-Pagenavi plugin checker
5. Updated Cycle plugin version
6. Updated Nivo slider plugin version

Fixed some issues:
1. Fixed Sortable shortcode issue
2. Fixed CombineTo issue
3. Fixed Body padding issue

Version 1.3 (05 June 2012)

Added new features:
1. Added RTL language support (rtl.css)
2. Added Slider images alt tag
3. Added accordion slider link option
4. Added slider link and text color option
5. Added IDs for slider div.
6. Added Auto-Lightbox effect for content images (as optional)
7. Added Dropcap & Blockquotes font family
8. Added Theme update notifier

Fixed some issues:
9. Fixed Tooltip position issue
10. Fixed Flickr social icon issue
11. Fixed Accordion title opacity issue

Version 1.2 (22 July 2012)

Added new features:
1. Added 200+ New GoogleFonts
2. Added XING and BBB sociable icon
3. Added French and Italian languages
4. Added WP-Custom Background
5. Added Footer After and Before Widgets

Fixed some issues:
6. Fixed iPhone/iPad font size issue
7. Fixed Comments issue
8. Fixed Sidebar issue
9. Fixed Flickr issue

Version 1.1 (24 June 2012)

Added new features:
1. Added re-CATPCHA for contact forms (as optional)
2. Added Colored sociable icons
3. Added Sortable for blog and portfolio
4. Added Post tag enable/disable option
5. Added Left and right sidebar as template
6. Added Last-preview dump.xml
7. Added Some PSD files (main,page, etc)
8. Added Image width & height optimize

Fixed some issues:
9. Fixed SickyFooter issue
10. Fixed Search issue
11. Fixed Contact shortcode issue
12. Fixed Sortcode manager issue
13. Fixed Home Page Blog Sidebar
14. Fixed Alertbox Method as div tag.
15. Fixed some bugs.

Version 1.0 (12 June 12)

Initial released

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Highrise Responsive Business WordPress Theme

Highrise Responsive Business WordPress Theme - ThemeForest Item for Sale


This Vivid, Readable and Useable Theme is the perfect match for your Company!

Highrise is a modern, visually stunning business theme with various areas of application. The responsive design provides a beautiful and easy to browse experience on Smartphones, IPhones & Ipad’s.

Diverse Homepage Builder! The theme options allow you to pick the modules you would like to display on your homepage. You can choose to have no slider or a youtube / vimeo video instead of the slider. The slider itself can be with text next to it or full width. Futhermore you can also show full blog posts on your homepage if that is whats desired.

What about the blue color? The blue “highlight” color used throughout the theme can be customized with just one click of your mouse. The convenient color picker in the theme options allows you to choose your own color to match your business corporate identity.

Localization is easy to do with Highrise using the state-of-the-art .mo/.po files. Detailed step by step instructions that work for beginners are included!

Seo was in mind when creating this Theme. The use of headline tags and content positioning (content always above sidebar) is done with best practices helping search engines to list your site.

More Noteworthy Features are custom post formats (Image, Slideshow, Youtube & Vimeo Video, Audio), sidebar/full-width blog & portfolio, column or wide site layout, unlimited sidebars and portfolios, an adjustable header height to incorporate a larger logo, a collapsable / removable footer widget area, individual full-size background images, custom widgets, layout shortcodes, responsive pricing tables and much more!

Preview the Theme Now!

Highrise Theme by Damojo


  • WordPress 3.5 ready!

  • Localizable with .po .mo translation files included.
    With Detailed instructions on how to add your own language.

  • Responsive Layout (Tested on iPad, iPhone and Android)

  • Optional Icons & Highlighted Texts in Submenu

  • Works without Timthumb

  • Various Post Formats With Image, Slideshow, Youtube & Vimeo Video, Audio Support

  • Site Layout Switcher (Column, Full-With Footer, Full-Width Content)

  • Collapsable / Removable Footer Widget Area

  • Adjustable Header Height

  • Sidebar/Full-Width Blog & Portfolio (Can be set individually for overview and single pages)

  • Individual Background Image For Pages/Posts (Background Tiles Also Supported)

  • Unlimited Portfolios

  • Customizable Portfolio Effect

  • Unlimited Sidebars (Individual Sidebars For Each Page / Post / Homepage) & Widgetized Footer

  • Homepage Builder

  • An Option Rich Admin Panel (Powered by Option Tree)

    • Unlimited Highlight Color (Everything Blue In The Preview) With Convenient Color Picker

    • Dynamic Google Web Font Loading (500+ Fonts!)

    • And much more!

  • 6 Custom Widgets

    • Popular/Latest Blog Posts

    • Twitter Feed

    • Quick Contact Form

    • Latest Projects

    • Custom Archives

    • Custom Categories

  • Layout Shortcodes (Easily accessible via Editor Dropdown Menu)

  • JQuery Powered Effects

  • Easy Install with a Step by Step Guide And Setup Screencast that even WordPress Beginners can follow (Starting with the installation of WordPress)

  • Example Theme Data with Preset Menus, Posts, Pages, etc. is included


  • PHP 5 enabled server

Assets Used:

  • Template demo images licensed from Fotolia for preview usage. Please do not attempt to rip the images from the preview!

  • “You’re my Bright Star” Demo Song by Soundroll

  • JQuery
  • Google Web Fonts

  • FlexSlider

  • PrettyPhoto

  • JQuery Animate Colors

  • cssAnimate

  • JQuery Easing

  • FitVids

  • MediaElement.js

  • Smooth Navigational Menu by dynamic drive

  • Parts of Iconsweets 2

  • Parts of Splashy Icons

  • Parts of Crystal Clear Icons

  • Background Tiles

  • Blog Pagination inspired by Patrick

  • Automatic formatting disabler

  • Function to get post options

  • Linkify and Relative Time functions by Ralph Whitbeck

  • Search Results Redirect by Mark Jaquith

  • Skeleton

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