Sunday, May 5, 2013

ReBrand - Business and Magazine WordPress Theme

ReBrand - Business and Magazine WordPress Theme - ThemeForest Item for Sale

This item got updated. See changelog at the bottom of the page.

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ReBrand is a White Label WordPress theme that provides various creative options helping you to make the design, layout and typography exactly the way you want in no time.

Key characteristics

  • White label theme – easy and fun to reBrand

  • Clean and flexible design in two skins – light and dark

  • Powerful admin panel – change layout, styles, colors, typography. No coding required

  • Build any custom page layout with the Page Content Manager, the Sidebar & Widget Manager, and the Smart Post Lists (free copy with this theme’s package)

  • Search Engine Optimized

  • Support and Updates – we support you use our products

Structure example and some admin controls

Powerful administration panel

ReBrand comes with very intuitive administration panel. It is organized in well named sections. Elements of every section are documented inline. No coding knowledge is required to rebrand any of the default skins and have a whole new looking site in no time.

Check some screenshots of the admin section.

Endless layout flexibility

  • This theme comes with the Sidebar & Widget Manager which you get with the theme’s package for free | Video overview | Screenshots

    • Widgetize any page and drop widgets in page content area

    • Vertical or Horizontal widgets alignment

    • Replace any sidebar

    • Control each widget visibility

  • Page Content Manager | Video overview | Screenshots

    • Build Custom Page Layouts in a few clicks

    • Many items available

    • Drag and drop any WordPress Sidebar Widget

    • Unlimited Rows, Items and Sidebars

  • The layout is based on 960 liquid grid system. When you change the width of your site it still looks great. The following site width settings are available in the administration panel: 760px, 880px, 940px, 960px, 980px, 1200px.

  • Choose number and positioning for default theme sidebars. You can set up home page, inner pages, portfolio pages layout globally for all pages or separately for every single page.

  • We have created default fluid widget areas with horizontal widget alignment that allow dropping any number of widgets per line and they still look great.

  • Top navigation can have vertical or horizontal submenus. Footer navigation can be expanded or collapsed.

Unlimited colors and styles

  • 250+ Google fonts are available

  • Use General typography and styles settings to change theme default colors, background images and fonts.

  • reBrand layout is divided into areas: header, top navigation, slider, sidebars, main content, widget areas, footer. The admin panel gives you full control over colors, background images, typography in every separate area.

  • You can outline your content area using the Boxed Layout option

  • Use Shortcodes to quickly add boxes, buttons, social links, tabs, dividers, dropcaps, highlights, columns and more to your posts, pages and widgets. All done with very easy to use interface.

Search Engine Optimized

As search engines are the biggest source of traffic we made sure the theme is completely on-site optimized so you can get maximum visitors.

  • Content is on top so search engines can read the most important first.

  • H1 tags are assigned to post/page titles.

  • Navigations are H2 tags.

  • Custom title and meta tags are available for every post/page.

  • URL structure controls are available.

Documentation, Code, Browsers, Platforms

  • reBrand comes with detailed documentation. It goes through all options in the administration panel. It explains code structure and highlights specific areas.

  • This theme covers all WorPress coding standards. All files are well documented. The code is clean and very flexible.

  • Different users prefer different browsers and platforms. reBrand will look great in any modern browser.

Theme features

  • Light and dark skins

  • 960 liquid grid

  • Liquid widget areas

  • Flexible site width

  • Sidebar & Widget Manager

  • Page Content Manager

  • Categorized portfolio

  • HTML 5, CSS 3

  • Unlimited colors

  • 250+ fonts

  • 2 sliders

    • HTML slider – html, images, video, title, caption

    • Featured posts slider – featured image, title, caption

  • 20+ page templates

  • 10+ Custom widgets

  • 20+ Custom shortcodes

  • Code snippets

  • 2000+ icons

Page templates

  • Home page – slider + widget areas

  • Home page – slider + page content

  • Home page – blog, magazine

  • Blog 1 column

  • Blog 2 columns

  • Blog 3 columns

  • Portfolio 1 column

  • Portfolio 2 columns

  • Portfolio 3columns

  • Portfolio 4columns

  • Video gallery

  • Image gallery

  • Contacts

  • Sitemap

  • Archives

  • Default page template


This theme is translation ready. It can be localized in other languages different than English. We have used WordPress default localization methods. We have included .po/.mo files.

Social media support

reBrand has build in support for Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Flickr, YouTube, LinkedIn, Delicious. You can enable social media for posts or use the custom widget.


First, thanks for purchasing our theme we appreciate it.

Support for this theme is conducted through OTWthemes support forums. We use our own support system for few reasons: support threads are searchable and people can respond to each other.

Find answers or post your questions: Support forum | Register | How to get Item Purchase Code

We will get back to you as soon as possible.


If you like this item please consider rating it as a way of supporting consistent feature improvements.

Note: If you are rating below 5 stars, please contact us. We’ll try to do our best to assist or fix all your point of criticisms.


By purchasing this item you get life-time updates for free! If you find any bugs please report them so we can fix them and make the fix available for everybody.

If you have any suggestions on how to improve the theme please let us know! We will seriously consider any suggestion and add it to item’s upgrade list.

Change log

Version 1.8 (15.01.2013)

  • Updated: Sidebar & Widget Manager to its latest version

  • Updated: Smart Post Lists to its latest version

Version 1.7 (26.11.2012)

  • Added: Page Content Manager – drag&drop, edit, preview

  • Added: Shortcodes preview

  • Added: Background patterns zip – white and black

  • Updated: Facebook like button in posts translation

  • Updated: Sidebar & Widget Manager to its latest version

Version 1.6 (03.10.2012)

  • Fixed: Page Content Manager encodings

  • Added: Easy column interface for Widgetizing pages in Sidebar & Widget Manager

  • Update: Smart Post Lists plugin to the lates version

Version 1.5 (16.09.2012)

  • Fixed: xampp localhost shortcodes issues

  • Fixed: Contact form error notification

  • Fixed: Default layouts

Version 1.4 (06.08.2012)

  • Added: reCaptcha added in contact form

  • Added: separate default layouts for pages, posts, portfolio

  • Updated: custom.css management

Version 1.3 (18.07.2012)

  • Fixed: Search result links fix

  • Fixed: Custom.css no longer available in reBrand panel

Version 1.2 (17.07.2012)

  • Added: Slider area – add background image from admin

  • Added: HTML slides examples

  • Updated: Documentation update – how we builded pages on demo

  • Updated: Admin inline documentation

Version 1.1 (13.07.2012)

  • Updated: reBrand custom CSS is now written in the custom.css file

  • Added: Home page slides PSD files

  • Added: Free copy of the Smart Post List plugin

  • Added: Home page 4 page template – featured post slider + content of your own

  • Fixed: Unordered list shortcode orange option

  • Fixed: Slider auto height

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